百池最新职位 >> 汽车及零配件
学  历:本科 及以上外语能力: 英语 流利   
工作年限: 5年以上 薪酬范围:   


1. 作为公司代表发展同客户的良好关系并且管理持续的与客户的协商。Develop strong relationships and manage the ongoing negotiations with the customer as the representative.

2. 准备和提交与RFQA相关的事宜并提交管理层。Prepare and submit the RFQA to Management if relevant.

3. 与项目财务控制一起建立最初的业务计划,定义项目投资计划并按照财务管理程序进行发布,偏离初始需求时负责成本节约责任。Liaise with the Program Controller, build the initial Business Plan, define the Program investment scheme, and release investments in compliance with controlling procedures; take economical responsibility for all deviations from initial requirements.

4. 启动和监控项目:通过更新业务计划、项目看板和预算报告进行跟踪项目进度和组织项目步骤和结果的回顾。Launch and monitor the Program : track progress by updating Business Plan, Program Dashboard and Budget Reports, and by leading reviews of program steps and results.

5. 执行风险与机遇分析,制定和执行合适的行动计划。Conduct Risk/Opportunity analyses, and develop and implement appropriate action plans.

6. 评判任何关于成本和技术上与客户不一致的问题。Arbitrate any conflicts with the customer on financial and/or technical issues.

7. 招聘、管理和协调跨部门的项目团队(销售、财务、采购、质量、生产、供应链、工艺工程),定义团队成员的目标和任务。Staff, manage and co-ordinate a cross-functional program team (Sales, Controlling, Purchasing, Quality, Production, Supply Chain, Product & Process engineering), and define team members' objectives and assignments.

8. 实施“项目管理文化”,根据公司项目管理体系中已经定义的适用于所有步骤的流程和发展项目组内所有成员之间的协同配合。Create a "Program Management culture" by ensuring processes defined in the factory's Program Management System (PMS) are applied at all steps, and by developing synergies between all actors involved in the program.

9. 在整个项目周期内组织沟通会议。Organise communications throughout the program lifecycle.

10. 确保项目从研发中心顺利的转移到生产工厂。Ensure smooth program transfer from Development Centre to Production Plant.

11. 分享关键项目信息以确保项目的连续性,致力于知识管理。Organise key program information to ensure Program continuity and to contribute to knowledge management.

12. 完成领导交给的其他任务。Other tasks arranged by manager.


1. 本科以上学历,工程专业背景。Bachelor degree, ideally in engineering.

2. 至少4-7年的工作经验(工业行业或汽车行业工作经验优先)。Minimum 4-7 years of job experience (in an industrial environment and/or Automotive experience a plus).

3. 至少3-5年的项目管理经验。Minimum 3-5 years of project experience.

4. 以结果为导向。Results orientation.

5. 较强的沟通和谈判技巧。Strong communication and negotiation skills.

6. 冲突管理技巧:能够预防和解决冲突。Conflict management skills : ability to prevent and solve conflicts.

7. 能胜任在交叉部门的协调工作。Ability to work in a matrixed organisation.

8. 良好的PMS管理知识。Good knowledge of PMS-Process.

9. 良好的项目管理标准,工具的运用能力。Good knowledge of Program standards, tools and methods.

10. 具备流利的英语和客户沟通语言。Fluent in English and in the customer language.

11. 具备团队组建,发展管理的能力。Ability to establish, develop, lead and unite a team .

12. 具备全面的财务知识(包括建立和跟踪业务计划的能力)。Strong financial knowledge (incl. building and following a Business Plan).

13. 具备解决问题的技巧。Problem solving techniques.

14. 具备策略和分析的能力。Strategic and analytic capabilities.

15. 具备计划和组织能力。Planning and organizing abilities.

联 系 人: Vivian QQ:1603265799
电子邮箱: hr@100cheer.cn